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Smoke Control Association (SCA)

In the event of a fire, a well-designed smoke control system can save lives and help protect property, keeping escape and access routes free from smoke, facilitating fire-fighting operations, delaying or preventing flashover, protecting the contents of the building, and reducing the risk of damage to the building.

The Smoke Control Associations (SCA) was set-up in 1987 and has over 40 members involved in the design, manufacture, supply and fitting of smoke control equipment and systems.

The SCA’s aim is to promote and enhance the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of life safety smoke ventilation systems across all types of building.

Logo Smoke Control Association

The Association works closely with Government as well as Local Authority Building Control, fire brigades and independent building inspectors, to raise awareness and technical understanding.

SCA members strive to lead the market and to ensure that all smoke ventilation systems and products are designed and installed in accordance with all relevant regulations and standards, for the benefit of building owners, building occupants and the wider community.

Membership is open to any company or organisation involved in the design, service, maintenance, manufacture and supply of smoke control equipment and systems. The SCA membership includes: Manufacturers only, Designers, Installers and some members offer a full turnkey solution.

The SCA membership can be relied upon to provide expert guidance and in order to maintain the highest possible standards, both existing members and prospective new members are required to sign up to and confirm full compliance with the specific requirements of the SCA ‘Criteria Document’. Certified contractors will have clearly demonstrated that their trained staff consistently adhere to industry best practice and fully appreciate the importance of correct installation, inspection and maintenance, ultimately providing peace of mind for the consultant and building operator.

All SCA members who carry out the installation of smoke control systems are also required to apply for and receive SDI 19 Certification scheme accreditation, guaranteeing that they are suitably skilled and experienced in fire strategy verification, system design, installation and commissioning in accordance with the following standards and industry guideline documents and also installing tested and certified Smoke Ventilation products:

  • Approved Document B
  • Approved Document B NI (Northern Ireland)
  • Technical Handbook (Scotland)
  • BS 9999
  • BS 9991
  • BS 7346 Parts 4, 5, 7 and 8
  • BS 8519
  • BS 8524
  • SCA Guidance Documents
  • EN12101 suite of standards

The SCA is part of the Federation of Environmental Trade Associations (FETA), which was established in 1984. FETA is a high-profile UK trade body which represents the diverse interests of manufacturers, suppliers, installers and contractors within the building services sector. It is split into six principle Associations: ADCAS, BCIA, BFCMA, BRA, HEVAC and HPA. The SCA is listed as a HEVAC Group.

Tel: 0118 940 3416

Email: [email protected]